The new Airliner flight simulator from Alsim

Despite the troubles faced by the aviation industry since the beginning of the pandemic, Alsim, the global flight simulator manufacturer, based on the outskirts of Nantes, is going from strength to strength.

Technician working on Alsim flight simulator on production line
alsim flight simulator display

The company, which started from humble origins but innovating principles, as the brainchild of two friends, one an airline pilot, the other a computer engineer, celebrated 25 years of success in 2019 by inviting partners and international clients to an anniversary cruise down the Seine in Paris.

Jean-Paul Monnin, head of ALSIM, raises a glass during 25th company anniversary celebrations on boat on Seine in Paris

Today, their latest and most ambitious project, the Airliner simulator, is coming off the production lines in their new manufacturing facility (which opened in 2020). This new simulator, designed as a hybrid Airbus320/Boeing B737, with interchangeable cockpit configurations, offers versatility and high-end training skills to future pilots.

Interior view of cockpit, Instructor talking to pilots in Alsim Airliner flight simulator

Despite the increased size of this simulator, compared to previous models I’d photographed, it’s always a significant challenge to find the right angle and sufficient space to set up the camera and additional lighting.

Interior view cockpit, Alsim Airliner flight simulator, two pilots, man and woman using the controls

Flight instructor interacts with computer screen in Alsim Airliner flight simulator

I’m pleased to say that the “models”, all Alsim staff, responded perfectly to my instructions and helped contribute to making the pictures as natural and dynamic-looking as possible.

Woman in pilot seat flies Alsim's Airliner flight simulator

I was particularly impressed with the visual realism of the outside projected images, which even convinced me, for a brief moment, that we were actually banking several hundred metres up in the sky, rather than being in some enclosed model plane, firmly rooted to the ground.

External view of Alsim Airliner flight simulator, with instructor guiding man and woman trainee pilots


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